Tag: anthropology

  • Sony CSL visit Melbourne

    Sony CSL visit Melbourne

    19-20 June 2023 Sony CSL researchers from Kyoto and Tokyo labs (Yuichiro Takeuchi, Masatoshi Funabashi, Kotaro Jinushi, and Kousaku Ohta) spent two days at the Melbourne School of Design in June 2023, meeting University of Melbourne researchers from across three different faculties. Day one started with the Sony crew meeting Hannah Gould and Rory Hyde…

  • Dialogue #1 : Computation and culture

    Dialogue #1 : Computation and culture

    February 8, 2023 Guests In this inaugural Future Urbanism session, we introduced the series, and the emerging collaboration, before asking our guests to present their research to help frame a group discussion. After Dan Hill and Yuichiro Takeuchi shared some framing prompts for the work, the discussion covered topics such as: the cultures of everyday…