Rory Hyde, Melbourne School of Design

Dialogue #1 : Computation and culture

February 8, 2023


  • Hannah Gould (DeathTech Research Team, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne)
  • Rory Hyde (Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne)
  • Vittorio Loreto (Sony CSL Rome / Sony CSL Paris)

In this inaugural Future Urbanism session, we introduced the series, and the emerging collaboration, before asking our guests to present their research to help frame a group discussion. After Dan Hill and Yuichiro Takeuchi shared some framing prompts for the work, the discussion covered topics such as: the cultures of everyday life (and death); understanding and mapping the diversity and complexity of urban interactions; data visualisations and urban simulations; the life-cycles of humans, nature, and objects in the city, and the role of social and cultural infrastructures, from museums and galleries through to streets, in terms of what we choose to commemorate, preserve or discard, in terms of shared cultural memory. You can watch a recording of the discussion above, including the participants’ presentations.


  • Dan Hill (Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne)
  • Yuichiro Takeuchi (Sony CSL Kyoto)

The event was held on on February 8, 2023. The distributed venue for the Zoom conversation was the Japanese Room, Melbourne School of Design; a domestic space elsewhere in Melbourne; the Sony CSL studio in Rome and the Sony CSL studio in Kyoto.